12-14 Apr 2021 Online (Germany)

Talk recordings

Emma Brown - A rapid, solar-like magnetic cycle in the late-F star HD 75332

Lisa Theres Lehmann - How can we detect solar-like magnetic cycles with the Zeeman-Doppler-Imaging (ZDI)?

Axel Hahlin - Magnetic fields of the eclipsing binary UV Psc

Bonnie Zaire - What can we learn from the magnetic morphology achieved in numerical simulations?

Sudeshna Boro Saikia - The curious case of Kappa Ceti

Patrick Gaulme - Understanding the magnetic activity of red-giant stars

Julien Morin - Exploring the magnetism of M dwarfs with SPIRou: first results

Alexis Lavail - CRIRES+ at the Very Large Telescope: what to expect?

Dag Evenberget - Probing the effect of magnetic geometry and field strength and on stellar spin-down with MHD simulations

Joseph Callingham - Radio exoplanets and stars at low-frequencies

Robert Kavanagh - Planet-induced radio emission from the coronae of M dwarfs

Adam Finley - On the Gap Between MHD Stellar Wind Torques and Those Required by Rotation-Evolution Models

Donna Rodgers-Lee - The intensity of energetic particles at the evolving Earth

Lewis Ireland - Magnetic Braking of Accreting T Tauri Stars: Effects of Mass Accretion Rate, Rotation, and Dipolar Field Strength

Moira Jardine - Energetic flares but few CMEs in the lowest mass stars -the role of helicity

Jennifer Greco - Deriving Parameters of Ultracool Dwarfs Using High-Resolution Spectroscopy

Sami Solanki - An introduction to the research done in the solar department of the MPS

Nina-Elisabeth Nemec - Forward modelling of stellar surface magnetic fields and brightness variations

Tanayveer Singh Bhatia - Small-scale Dynamo in Cool Main-Sequence Stars: Effect on Stratification, Convection and Bolometric Intensity

Mayukh Panja - Starspots: Realistic rad-MHD simulations and their impact on stellar radial velocity

Timo Reinhold - Rotation period detectability of solar-like stars - Consequences for recent studies

Nadiia Kostogryz - Impact of surface magnetic activity on stellar limb darkening

Veronika Witzke - Effect of metallicity on magnetic features in Sun-like stars

Victor See - How does metallicity affect the overall magnetic activity level of low-mass stars?

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